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Hello and welcome to my website and associated blog. I want to take this opportunity to extend my greatest thanks to you for being open minded and willing enough to learn more about or discover Reiki. This platform gives me the opportunity to post information I have learned in the past throughout my training (as both a nurse and energy healer) as well as new information I gather. I am pleased to be able to share this knowledge with you and hope it resonates and serves you in the ways you need. 

I discovered Reiki had been flowing through me my entire life and that I had been “healing energies” for as long as I can remember. People have always come to me throughout my life and noted how “comfortable” they felt with me. In just being around me, others became brighter and lighter. I always knew I had a gift but I didn’t realize my connection with the universal life force (Reiki energy) until much later. It wasn’t until after I had taken good care of my body through diet and exercise and mastered my mind (through meditation and spiritual disciplines) that I realized I was connected to and utilizing a force greater than myself. Yet, that force is my essence. We are all connected to this force, this beautiful, great, bright light. It is Source; we all come from it and it is within us all. We can never separate from it therefore it is always present. It is the ultimate presence. Some call this force God, some call it Chi. I call it pure love and believe it is our natural state of being. 

I’ll refrain from getting too far ahead of myself here, but that is a very introductory statement of what I believe and what you can find here. I will continue to post about healthy lifestyle advice, motivational words, spiritual passages, Reiki, uplifting content, self-care practices, and sweet messages. The intention here is always LOVE.

Take good care.

